The Online Dentistry Interview Course
The online course for 2022 dentistry applicants
Congratulations on beginning your dental interview preparation
We’ve designed this online interview course to include everything you would need to know before the interview to improve your confidence and success!
We have 15 online modules to help master your UK dentistry interview.
Get started by clicking the boxes below.
Online Dentistry Interview Course
Module 1.
To ensure you are familiar with the dentistry interview we have created this initial introductory module.
This comprehensive introduction to the dental school interview will aim to guide you through what to expect, giving you a thorough understanding of how to maximise your chances of success.
Module 1: Introduction to the dental school interviews
This introductory module will get you started and ready for learning about how you can maximise your chances of success during your dental school interview.
Key learning point:
To understand the different formats of the UK dental school interview.
To understand how the interview is concluded.
To know what form of interview each of the dental schools conduct.
To understand how you are assessed and how scores are calculated.
Module 2: The MMI Interview
The MMI Interviews are the more popular choice of interview style for universities. MMI interviews offer various challenges and benefits. Learn how to excel in your MMI interview here.
Key learning points :
To know everything about the MMI Interview
To understand how the MMI is conducted
To understand how to tackle each stations
To have a clear understanding of the advantages of this style of interview
Module 3: The Dentistry Personal Statement Station
The dentistry personal statement questions ascertain information on your suitable for entry to dental school. Knowing your statement well is critical.
Key learning points::
To understand how to practice for personal statement questions
To be able to analyse your own personal statement
To gain an insight into what type of questions are asked at the interview stage surrounding your personal statement
To understand how to approach personal statement questions asked at the interview
Useful article: Getting Four Dentistry Offers | How to Ace Your Dental School Interview
Module 4: Motivation To Study Dentistry
Motivation to study dentistry is a fundamental trait that all dental applicants should show. A genuine interest in the career and understanding the challenges of the career is vital.
Key learning points:
To understand your motivation for studying dentistry.
To be able to answer confidently in an interview a question on your career choice in dentistry.
To recognise the differences between other allied healthcare professions and your reasons for applying to study dentistry over these careers.
Interested in gaining further interview questions check out our interview guide with 200+ uk dental school interview questions available here
Module 5: Professionalism
The dentistry personal statement questions ascertain information on your suitable for entry to dental school. Knowing your statement well is critical.
Key learning points:
To understand how to practice for personal statement questions
To be able to analyse your own personal statement
To gain an insight into what type of questions are asked at the interview stage surrounding your personal statement
To understand how to approach personal statement questions asked at the interview
Module 6: Team work & Leadership
Dentist are key team members but also hold a strong role in leading the dental team. Evidence of your own leadership and team work and its relevance to a career in dentistry is valuable.
Key learning points
To understand the difference between leadership. management, and teamwork.
To understand the importance and relevance of teamwork and leadership to dentistry.
To understand how to effectively describe a scenario and portray your skills.
To understand the various people who are involved in dentistry.
Module 7: University Related
The dentistry university questions ascertain information on your research about that dental school. Knowing your dental school well is critical.
Key learning points:
To understand how to practice for university questions
To be able to learn about each university
To understand how each university will format their interview (subject to change due to COVID-19)
Module 8: Work Experience
Gaining insight into your future career is essential, especially in relation to dentistry. With many challenges, career pathways and benefit, gaining experience and knowledge is highly regarded and will likely be discussed at your interview.
Key learning points
To understand how to increase your chances of obtaining work experience.
To know the different avenues you could exokire for obtaining work experience.
To maximise your opportunities during your work experience.
To understand how to create a work experience letter (template provided).
Module 9: Dental law & ethics
Having an awareness of the legislation and ethical standards surrounding dentistry is beneficial for future dentists. Learn about common legal issues and ethical scenarios facing dentistry.
Key learning points:
To understand the difference between ethics and morals.
To understand what kind of questions will be asked.
To know how to tackle these questions and what to avoid.
To know what the 4 ethical pillars and GDC’s standards are.
To get a brief overview of main dental ethics and law topics, such as consent, tooth whitening, the mental capacity act, social media and safeguarding.
Interview Top Tip
Try filming yourself when answering mock interview questions. You’ll be surprised at how your body language reacts and the tone of your voice. Watch out for mumbling and waffling. Be direct and if you are unsure, ask for the question to be repeated.
Module 10: Data Analysis
Knowing how to efficiently and clearly interpret information is a vital skill for a dental practitioner. Some interviews will test your data analysis skills by undertaking a timed task.
Key learning points:
Learn about what questions you could be asked
Learn how to answer these efficiently
Learn and understand ways to communicate your answer clearly
Module 11: Communication
Communication is one of the most important aspects of delivering high quality dental care. Communication allows safe and effective information to be exchanged to patients and team members to enhance clinical care.
Key learning points:
To understand what effective communication is and why it’s important as a dentist.
To explore types of communication focussed stations.
To understand how to do well in a communication station.
To work through various examples, including describing a picture, describing a procedure, and role play.
Module 12: Manual Dexterity
Showing interest and basic aptitude for hand eye coordination is a valuable trait for any future dentist. Some dental schools test very rudimental hand eye skills. Learn more in this module.
Key learning points:
To understand what manual dexterity is.
To understand the importance of it.
To understand how to provide evidence of manual dexterity skills.
To gain tips for tackling manual dexterity scenarios in the interview.
To get a overview of some examples of manual dexterity stations.
Module 13: Technical aspects of Dentistry (basics)
Having some awareness of the remit of a dental practitioner and their role is vital for any future dentist. Some of this knowledge can be acquired through research and clinical observation.
Key learning points:
To understand the different dental specialisms.
To develop an understanding of prevalent oral health problems.
To understand the processes and treatments used to treat oral health issues.
To understand more about the NHS purpose and current dental contract.
To give an overview of some hot topics in dentistry (sugar tax, water fluoridation, amalgam).
To gain an insight into the future of dentistry.
Module 14: General Interview Techniques
Whilst having great knowledge is fantastic, it is equally important to be confident and convey your passion to study dentistry. Learn about how to prepare for your interview and how to demonstrate interview etiquette in this module.
Key learning points:
To understand how to research and practice for the interview.
To provide an overview of what to do the night before, and on the day.
To give general tips for during the interview itself.
To understand what to do post-interview.
Module 15: The Online Dental School Interview
Due to COVID-19 the format of the dental school interview is changing with universities now adopting an online, virtual , interview. Never before has this been done, as such we have developed this module to help give you advice and guidance.
Key learning points:
To understand the possible format of the online interview
To understand the two difference styles of online interview
To understand how to prepare for this
To learn the essential differences between traditional face to face interview and this new online style
Dental School Mock Interview Test
Now you have completed the online modules, it is now time to test yourself with the dental school mock interview questions. Designed to test your ability in multiple areas, you can use these questions as a guide for your real interview.
We have designed mock MMI and Panel interviews to aid your revision and give you suggested answers to help with understanding how to approach these questions.
Want that extra support… check out our Best Selling Services
Online 1-to-1 Interview Mentoring
If you want further guidance then booking a 1hr online mentoring session with a current dental student is suggested. All of our mentors are current or former UK dental students. Each student has experience with the interviews and have trained students ahead of their interviews.
2 Hr Online Mock Interview With Dental School
The 2hr online mentoring is our most sought after interview preparation service. With direct access to a current UK dental student, who will undertake a full dental school mock interview with you, give valuable feedback and answer any question you have this really is a great interview help!
Getting Into Dental School Book
Securing Your Place at a UK Dental School - The Complete Guide For Undergraduates and Postgraduates’ is the UK’s best resource for anyone wishing to study dentistry at university.
Written with successful past and current dentistry students this is the most factual, up-to-date and detailed resource available.
Why you should definitely get this book:
✔ The only comprehensive guide for 2021 taking you from the very start of the application submission to your offer stages
✔ Includes extensive details on each stage of your application to ensure no stone is left unturned, supporting you through every step of your journey
✔ MMI and panel interview techniques to enhance your success and confidence
✔ Genuine successful dentistry personal statement examples for you to view
✔ Over 200 + MMI and panel interview questions and answers with full mock interview
✔ Includes UCAT and BMAT proven techniques and strategies to boost score from our top ranking tutors
✔ In-depth guide for postgraduate students and mature students applying for Dentistry
✔ How to maximise your work experience to ensure you gain value and what to do if you cannot attain clinical dental experience
✔ Demystifying graduate entry dentistry, non-conventional entry routes, widening participation and studying abroad
✔ Covers deferred entry and gap years
✔ Discusses what to do if you are unsuccessful and how to re-apply
✔ International and overseas route to UK dental school covered